Mrs. Leserman's Book Report Essentials

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FICTION/ Second Semester

Semester TWO Book Report Outline: FICTION

Directions:  Write a book report using the following outline.  Your book report should be at least 700 words (about two and a half pages typewritten MINIMUM), and discuss each of the items in this outline. Each Roman numeraled “part” should be a full paragraph or more.   See the rubric on the other side of this sheet for grading standards.


Book reports for Fiction: (Novels, Fantasy, Plays, Romance, Drama, Legends, Horror Stories, Etc.)  Do not LIST information: Write in FULL SENTENCES and PARAGRAPHS.

Part I: (A full paragraph, at least 150 words)

q       Title, correctly cited

q       Author 

q       Genre of book

q       Number of pages

q       Number of words, approximately (words per line X lines per page X pages per book)

q       Amount of time it took you to read

q       Author’s biography (you have to LOOK for this whether its in the book or NOT)

q       If this is one in a series of books by this author

q       Any unique feature of this book (e.g. pop-up pictures, beautiful illustrations, etc.)

q       If it would be interesting, information about the circumstances under which you were reading the book (duress, the teacher made me do it or I wouldn’t have touched it even with someone else’s hands, a friend recommended it, someone made a bet that I wouldn’t, it was on a long airplane ride, my PSP was broken …)


Part II (A fully developed paragraph, 150 words minimum)

q       Primary protagonist in the story (the main character)

q       Main antagonists (opposes the protagonist; list, describe, and explain if there is more than one)

q       Any other important characters

q       The setting of the story, in as much detail as possible

q       The time or era of the story

q       The point of view from which the story is told (A narrator?  The protagonist?)


Part III  (200 words MINIMUM)

q       Give a synopsis/summary of the plot (retell it briefly, including the CONCLUSION, about 200 words)


Part IV (100 words MINIMUM)

q       Explain the themes and/or morals of the story, and any lessons that the characters learned about themselves and others, or the world.  Did YOU learn anything from reading this book? (at least 150 words). 


Part V  (100 words MINIMUM)

q       Give your personal evaluation/opinion of this book.  What did you think of this book?  Would you recommend it to others?  Why or why not?  What made you pick it up in the first place?  Are you glad that you read it?  Do you wish that you had read something else?  Would you recommend it to a friend?  What about it really grabbed you … or made you wish you could use it as a doorstop or coaster, instead?  COMPARE THIS BOOK TO ANOTHER BOOK YOU HAVE READ, on a similar theme, giving that book’s correctly underlined title, and author’s name.  Give it a rating on a scale of one to five, one being worst, and five being best. (At least 100 words)


q       Correct bibliography citation for both books – the one you just read and the one you compare it to.


q       Complete a ROUGH DRAFT


q       Submit perfect FINAL DRAFT

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