Macbeth a la Eminem Far and away the funniest, newest Shakespeare humor I've found in months.
What if Shakespeare had cooperated with Eminem to write Macbeth, and the rapper had played the lead? This is a
visual and AUDIO page ... don't open it up or play it loudly while the family is sleeping. (Requires Macromedia Flash
5 Player, available for free if you don't have it already, just click on the "Help" link.)
Romeo and Juliet if there had been Text Messaging -- that about says it all!
Romeo and Juliet in L33T -- Contemporary-Speak Cartoon of Romeo and Juliet, not to be missed! Very funny! With your parents out of the room!
Henry Tudor - Shape Shifter -- Henry Tudor defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field. Since then, many Ricardians have expressed a wish to
rearrange his face. Now, here's your chance if your browser supports Java. Fun but goofy.
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blindworm's sting,
leg and howlet's wing,
It's not a recipe from Shakespeare,
The Star Wars MacBeth "Star Wars : Macbeth" is a seventeen minute video production that follows the lives of three
brave Scots in their quest for the throne of Scotland. George Lucas meets William Shakespeare in an odyssey that spans from
the high school cafeteria to the high school gymnasium. Did I mention they had lightsabers?" Someone else's high school
project -- interesting to watch, be sure you have a fast download speed -- The amazing story behind the project.
Mac(beth) the Knife or Berthold Brecht
Does Shakespeare, by Jane Mailander (sung to the tune of “Mackie Messer” aka “Mack the Knife” by Kurt
Weill) … a parody of Macbeth, and pretty witty at that.
Get Warped: It's not literature or even readable, but it's very
amusing. It's called an "Alex Warp" and it's done with JavaScript. Go to Alex Rosen's Home Page and click on the link below Bill Gates (a man who heavily funds education, and to whom I offer
only the most profound respect, by the way). Click on the instructions for "using Java Web Start," and you can warp
any photo in your own personal collection, to your heart's content.
Hey! It's Oedipus, the Movie! So what if it's performed by Vegetables! If this link doesn't work, try: NEW! Oedipus Rex performed by Vegetables, in the style of "Ben Hur" : an 8-minute video (I loved this). Actually, watching
it performed by vegetables makes it tolerable. When Oedipus (the potato) puts out his eyes ... he really puts out his
Classic Books in Just a Minute -- “English teachers have the inconsiderate habit of assigning
mammoth-sized works of literature to read and then actually expecting you to do it. This wouldn't be so bad except that invariably
the requisite reading is as boring as fly fishing in an empty lake….so we've taken all kinds of great works of literature
and boiled them down to their essence, extracting all the filler … and in just one minute, you can read entire books
and learn everything your teachers will expect you to know.” Everything
from Shakespeare to Steinbeck.
Dante’s Inferno Test: Heaven or Hell? -- … based on the description
of Hell found in Dante's Divine Comedy. Answer the questions here as honestly as you can and discover your fate (if you agree
with Dante – do you?). Based on your answers, your purity will be judged and you will be banished to the appropriate
level of afterlife. Abandon all hope.
The Complete Anguish Languish Site -- Read about "Ladle Rat Rotten Hut," "Guilty Looks Enter Tree Beers," "Marry Hatter Ladle Limb," and more
(Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and Mary Had a Little Lamb, if that wasn't clear ...). Written
in 1956, a long-standing joke on the multiple uses of words in English, and a reminder of why it's never right to count on
your computer's "spell check" feature without double-checking by a human being.
The Devil’s Dictionary -- Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary, in charming online/Java format. Bierce was a fierce wit and social
commentator. The Devil's Dictionary was
a newspaper weekly first collected as a book in 1906. While the book represents diabolical appetites, and derides pretense,
it should be noted that Bierce generally reserved his severest ridicule for those who benefit most from the status quo.
The Original Hacker’s Dictionary and the New Hacker’s Dictionary aren’t really sources of humor, but useful if you have any interest at all in the ways our language is changing because
of computer culture – a lot of words that you don’t give much thought to as you click away at your computer, PDA,
or cell phone are of very NEW creation – take a look!
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