From time to time, everyone feels overwhelmed. If you need a breather just for a few minutes, try
Remember, it's all a gift. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.
Stress! Stress adds flavor, challenge and opportunity to life. Without stress, life would be dull and unexciting.
However, too much stress can seriously affect your physical and mental well-being. (A site from the University of Texas)
Stress is a natural part of life that helps propel you into solving and resolving issues and problems. DISTRESS
is a consequence of feeling that you are hopelessly locked into a situation you cannot resolve effectively or well.
Obviously, feelings of profound anxiety and depression cannot be addressed on a simple webpage like this one, but
there are some things you can try to do on an ongoing basis to try to keep the dogs of student anxiety at bay (but which elude
most high school students nonetheless):
o Healthy regular meals (excluding caffeine, hydrogenated fats, and processed sugars);
o Drinking at plenty of water during the day;
o Getting at least eight hours of sleep per night.